Monday, February 17, 2014

Update on the team

 Happy President's Day!
           My softball team was supposed to, as you know, be already playing in tournaments by now. There was a change in our schedule because a lot of the parents decided that it was to early to start in our tournaments. We have a round robin scrimmage with a few other teams this upcoming weekend.
           Our whole team has now started practicing with us again, but we have had a lot of complications with basketball still in season, and track is about to start there season. We will be losing some of our players, but they will still come to practices whenever they can make it.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Starting Week

This is the week is the week Intensity starts back up again. We will start Thursay, but the practice isn't mandatory for all of the basketball players because they are still in basketball season and have games on Thursdays.
     Last week we found out that our starting short stop won'y be playing with us anymore, and it's possible that our starting right fielder won't be playin with us either because of a lot of complications. Everyone is so excited to start up again and start playing tournaments. We had just found out last week we may postpone our first tournament Valentines Day weekend to later on because the weather is supposed to be harsh and it is a really big tournament to start out with.  

Friday, January 17, 2014

During the Season

During the season I will be going to all the practices and all the tournaments. Every girls is required to have a plan of what they are going to do to put in extra work outside of practices and tournaments.
      Most of the girls go to private lessons for batting and fieldign outside of practices. On my own time I go to private pitching and hitting lessons with the assistant coach of my team. Our assistant coach for Intenisty is also the assistant coach for the Perry Hidh School team.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Starting up again

Next week, January 21, Intensity will start practicing together again to get ready for the new season. We have our first tournament over Valentines Day weekend! We will practice every Tuesday and Thursday until the time of the tournament.
             Intensity practices for 2 and a half hours doing drills and things to get into shape. The first hour we bat and do a lot of battign drills and more drills to get into shape.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

About the Intensity Team

During the fall softball season every girl travels to Coyle, Ok for practice in our indoor facility. Our facility has two batting cages, a full infield for practice, and a overview where the parents can go to watch the whole practice. We have five girls that travel form Perry, four girls travel from Edmond, and we have four travel from Stillwater.

The 5 Perry girls at State

First Year Team

In 2013 Oklahoma Intensity was a first year team will many accomplishments for their first year. Intensity went to 10 tournaments in the spring and placed no lower than 4th in all of them qualifying them to go to 2013 14U State Tournament.
        In the State Tournament they went undefeated in the first day, but on day two things were completely differnet. On day two they lost there first game putting them in the losers bracket making it to where they had to win 5 games in a row to win the entire tournament. We won the 5 games in a row, and Oklahoma Intensity is now the 2013 14U State Champions!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

About Me!

Hi, my name is Alyssa Nation. I am a freshman and I am doing this blog for a class at Perry High School.